Yang Yue Investigates Industrial Transformation and Upgrading in Our City

, Yang Yue, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, went to Gulou, Cangshan and Fuzhou High-tech Zone to investigate the development of strategic emerging industries in our city and promote industrial transformation and upgrading, listen to corporate suggestions, and emphasize the need to aim at the industry Development frontier, implement innovation-driven strategies, increase policy support, vigorously promote the development of strategic emerging.

Yang Yue and his entourage visited Fujian Zhongke Optical Core Optoelectronic Technology Company, Nebula Big Data Application Service Company, Fujian Wanrun New Energy Technology Company, Hengfeng Information Technology Company, Fujian Haixi New Drug Creation Company and other enterprises on the spot to learn more about the development of information technology, Internet application, big data development, new energy and bio-new medicine industries in our city. Seeing that enterprises are based on independent innovation, master core technologies, and actively seize the high end of the market, Yang Yue affirmed and encouraged entrepreneurs to increase R & D investment, actively promote technological innovation, brand innovation and management innovation, enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, and strive to compete in the fierce market. Win the initiative and accelerate development.

Yang Yue emphasized that strategic emerging industries represent the direction of technological innovation and industrial development, and play a major leading role in the long-term development of Fuzhou. It is necessary to take strategic emerging industries as an important starting point for stabilizing growth and adjusting the structure and the main focus of promoting industrial transformation and upgrading, and go all out to do a good job. First, we must seize major opportunities. It is necessary to seize major opportunities such as the "Internet", Chinese manufacturing 2025, and "industrial 4.0", concentrate on tackling key problems, make breakthroughs in key areas, let more emerging industries take root in Fuzhou, and let more high-end manufacturing gather in the provincial capital. Second, we must highlight investment promotion. It is necessary to speed up planning and sorting out the key points of investment promotion in accordance with the development catalogue of strategic emerging industries, actively introduce and cultivate a number of emerging leading enterprises with high scientific and technological content, strong innovation ability and good development prospects, accelerate the development of new generation information technology, high-end equipment, new materials, energy conservation and environmental protection, biology and new medicine, and strive to make Fuzhou an important source of strategic emerging industries. Third, we should implement precise support. It is necessary to increase fiscal, taxation, financial and other policy support, simplify policy implementation procedures, optimize the development environment, concentrate resources on supporting emerging industries and enterprises with core technologies and high growth, and embark on the development of strategic emerging industries with Fuzhou characteristics.

city leaders Chen Yuanbang, Xue Kan and Gao Ming participated in the survey.

Created on:2020-02-08

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